Saturday, December 13, 2014

Six Months

 If someone had said to me a year ago at this time that come summer we would be moving to Florida and setting up an entirely new life, I would have laughed them right out of the house. We, specifically me, had always wanted to leave Martinsburg behind(Sorry, Folks, you no there was no love lost there!)but it never really seemed like it was in the cards for us. When the opportunity arose in May, we jumped at the chance and didn't look back. Was this the best approach? Maybe, maybe not, as there have been some very big hurdles we have had to overcome and are still trying to maneuver around, but I can tell you with absolute sincerity that I wouldn't change this for the world!

The interesting part, is that Jacksonville, in six short months, has become home. Don't get me wrong, it still feels like we are on a vacation and every time we walk out the door I am still surprised to see palm trees and sand. Lots and lots of sand. The way I feel here though, I haven't felt this since I was living in New York at the age of six! Despite the what ifs and uncertainty of where/how we will fit in with this great big city we have quickly started to find our niche. We have made some wonderful new friends, joined some great homeschool groups, and are on a constant treasure hunt around this great big city. I swear that every day is a new adventure whether it's finding the best bakery(I'm talking about you, Cinottis') locating one of the many parks in Jacksonville, or taking part in any number of festivals and events, which seem to happen every week around here! Stitch especially loves searching out every skate and surf shop, making friends with all of the shopkeepers and telling them of his plans to become the next Tony Hawk. Hey, the kid has big plans!

While we have been busy running around town and living this great life, we have not for a second forgotten our friends and family up north. I make sure to tease them every cold day am so thankful for the support and love that we receive from them and this move could not have been possible without their help. I look back now and am still in awe that we pulled off such a big move in only a couple of weeks, not forgetting all of the chaos and surprises that made us question this move altogether! We have been truly blessed with some of the best people in our lives.

The new year is quickly approaching and I'm excited to see what the next six months has in store for us. If the last half of this year is any indication, we have some amazing things to look forward to from here on out!

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