It's that time of the year again. For most children, it's the worst time of the year! Their play time gets cut in half, bed times are mandatory, and that dreaded word, SCHOOL, is once again part of their daily vocabulary. Meanwhile, parents everywhere are counting down the days and celebrating that sweet moment when their child is whisked away for the next six hours, five days a week, and silence really is golden...and then, there is our house...
Being homeschoolers, we wake up when we want, study when we want( and more importantly, WHAT we want) and we enjoy the beginning of the "school year" as much as those who send their kids off to a brick and mortar school. A typical day for us might look like this:
Roll out of bed around 8AM, grab some breakfast, watch a show on Discovery or Nat Geo. Stitch may also decide he wants to check out the websites for those channels OR he may beg to watch a couple Minecraft videos. Then, we might do some math lessons or work on cursive writing, mainly because I like to torture him early in the day. Then, it is off to the beach or a new park. A lot of times we just pick a direction and see where we end up! Come evening, we might decide it's the perfect time to start reading or catch up on those Greek Gods and all their crazy adventures. The next day, it's anyone's guess what might happen or where the day will lead.
Holding the skin of a Whip Snake |
Playing with a live clam on the beach |
Overall, we have been pretty fortunate that our friends and family have supported our decision to stay home. We still get the occasional questions about grades, what his future holds, and the ever popular socialization question, though, from strangers or those who are just curious in general. None of these questions really bother us too much and, after five minutes with Stitch, no one gives the issue of socialization a second thought! Obviously, homeschooling isn't for everyone and we are still learning as we go, but what parent isn't?! For us, this works and we enjoy being together. If he ever decides he wants to go back to public school, we will be
distraught supportive and do our best to help him transition. Until then, we will enjoy every second of our time together.